All-Natural Skin Care Products
With the knowledge that skin is as much or more able to absorb nutrients and chemicals than the intestinal lining, it is imperative that we treat our skin kindly and use products that we would be willing to ingest. Yes, what we put on our skin is essentially being absorbed into our bodies and moving through our blood stream, with out filtering through our liver. That is why this particular line of all-natural skin care products comes recommended, and is the line of product Dr. Brenda Marshall uses personally.
Age More Gracefully skin care collection is free of synthetic chemicals ingredients, stabilizers, preservatives and is derived from all-natural plant sources making this collection unique to the cosmeceutical industry. "We are what we absorb" and so these products are nutrient dense with Moringa oil, antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids as anti-inflammatories, and Sacha Oil. Together these botanical elixers give age-defying repair with medical grade retinol (Vitamin A), Co-Q 10, Lipoic Acid also in the mix.